Kenya Lelsa Tea

    Two For Tea

    As a regular prize winning tea estate, Lelsa pride themselves on teas that have a purity of flavour with a malty edge. This outstanding FBOP tea is no exception and is equally delightful with or without milk.

    TEA INGREDIENTS:   Luxury Black Tea 

    ORIGIN: Kericho, Kenya. Grown: Up to 5500ft -7200ft above sea level. 

    CAFFEINE:  Approx between 27- 35mg per cup 

    AROMA: Floral notes 

    LEAVES:  Orthodox Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe (FBOP) 

    COLOUR: Coppery 

    TASTE:  Exceptional notes of jam, light floral character and a long smooth finish  

    WELL BEING: Refreshing 

    CAFFEINE CONTENT: Moderate  

    STRENGTH: Full Bodied 

    FLAVOUR: Slightly Sweet, Slightly Floral, Malty 

    Postal Weight Standard 0.130kg

    Postal Weight Sample 0.030kg

    Availability:In Stock
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