Firm outer coating with a soft and chewy salmiak tasting liquorice slightly salty with a hint of aniseProduct of HollandFlavour Profile: Salmiak, Salt...
Soft Liquorice and with a very strong salty salmiak hit Flavour Profile: Salmiak, Salty, Textural Profile: SoftFree From: GlutenProduct of HollandIngr...
A mixture of Salmiak, Salty and Sweet traditional style Dutch Liquorice known as drugstore mix because originally liquorice was sold by chemistsFlavou...
Sweet soft liquorice with a hint of aniseed Flavour Profile: Sweet, SalmiakTextural Profile: Soft ,ChewyFree From: Gluten FreeIngredientsGlucose syrup...
Semi hard slightly chewy sweet liquorice with a hint of salmiak saltinessProduct of HollandFlavour Profile: Sweet, Salty, SalmiakTextural Profile: So...
Soft liquorice with a pronounced salmiak flavour filled with a subtle pear flavoured fondantFlavour Profile: Salmiak & pearTexture Profile: Soft1...
Small Hard liquorice rhomboids that when sucked give an intense liquorice / salmiak flavour, with a hint of anisFlavour Profile: Sweet, SalmiakTextura...
Soft and sweet licorice with a creamy sweet and salty salmiak centerFlavour Profile: Sweet, SalmiakTextural Profile: SoftIngredientsSugar, molasses, W...