Gift Stock - Keemun Gold Black China Tea

    Two For Tea

    One of the best known China Black Teas,  Keemun Gold when properly produced, is one of the finest teas in the world.  With a wonderful winey and fruity depth of taste Keemun Gold makes a great tasting invigorating tea. With the aromatic and winey after notes good at any time but particularly after an evening meal

    TEA INGREDIENTS:  Luxury Black Tea 

    ORIGIN: Anhui Province, China.

    CAFFEINE: Approx between 27- 35mg per cup          

    AROMA: Complex aromatic quality, often compared to burgundy wines 

    LEAVES:  Keemun Gold Grade 1 - whole leaf style,

    COLOUR: Bright, tending reddish.

    TASTE: Winey and fruity with real depth and complexity.  

    WELL BEING: Invigorating


    STRENGTH: Full Bodied

    FLAVOUR: Winey, Fruity

    Postal Weight Standard 0.130kg

    Postal Weight Sample 0.030kg

    Availability:In Stock
    Code:JTB042 (GS)
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